

How an Addiction Therapist Can Help Overcome Substance Abuse?

You might have seen many people lying around the streets due to being high on substances, and sometimes you might have heard through the news or through someone close that a person has lost their life due to a drug overdose. These tragic deaths occur a lot more than you...

Marriage Counsellor

The Role of a Marriage Counsellor in Couples Therapy

Couples therapy, also known as marriage counselling and marriage therapy, is a therapy performed by a trained professional counsellor with married couples or long-term partners to help solve marital problems. Studies show that some people don’t mind going for couples therapy, and it is easy to attend such sessions. On...


Why do People Go to Therapy?

Therapy refers to the process of counselling performed mainly by a professional counsellor who is formally trained (ideally with Masters Degree level training) to target the mental health issues of the client. There is a common misconception in therapy, however, that the treatment is only for those who have a...


Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists/Counsellor | A Detailed Comparison

Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists/counsellors are both mental health professionals who do extensive studies to cure people’s mental health. At the core, both professions have the same job and many similarities. Ordinary people often confuse the two professions, thinking that psychiatrists and psychotherapists/counsellors are the same professions with different names. However, that...


Is Dyslexia A Disability Under Social Security & Is Dyslexia Neurodivergent

Dyslexia, a learning disability that mainly affects reading, writing, and spelling, has been the subject of much debate concerning whether it falls under the umbrella of disability as per Social Security rules and regulations. Here, we will closely examine the intricate topic of dyslexia, how it affects individuals, and the...


How to Counsel a Child With ADHD

ADHD can be rather upsetting for children and parents alike, but with proper help and counselling, you and your child can learn how to manage, direct and enhance your and your child’s behaviour. Counselling is a proactive step to help your child deal with ADHD. ADHD can be supported with...


6 Main Points of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), is an adaptive mental health method that gives people practical skills to deal with intense emotions and improves their relationships and overall well-being. Dr Marsha Linehan, a psychologist, founded DBT who started DBT in the late 1980s to form an integrated intervention that drew from the...

family counselling

Understanding Family Counselling: What’s Included and Why It Matters

The family is a traditional institution where we find love, affiliation, and emotional belonging; however, even in most loving families, difficulties and conflicts occasionally emerge, which can cause further deterioration of relationships and stress. Family counselling or family therapy becomes a hopeful signpost that leads a struggling family to a...

teenage anxiety

Supporting Teenagers with Anxiety – How Therapy and Counselling Can Help in Combating Teenage Anxiety

Teenage anxiety is a growing problem among today’s youth population. Students live in a demanding environment that includes an adolescent-scripted social assessment system which is highly stressful as they deal with social relations, issues in the family, and challenging perspectives on the future; all of these can lead to anxiety...


What to Talk About in Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Therapy Sessions

Attending therapy is a confidential space to discuss experiences, thoughts, issues, overwhelming feelings and the things you have gone through and are going through in your life. Counselling can be a place to work through stuff long in the past, or to sort out some confusions about your present situation...


How to Support Adults with Dyslexia – Strategies and Techniques for Successful Achievement

Dyslexia is a learning difficulty associated with reading, writing, spelling and word comprehension that begins in childhood. It is possibly a lifelong issue for many individuals. It is a topic that is less discussed and even more misunderstood. As you grow up, someone with dyslexia may have difficulties with school...


8 Realistic Parenting Strategies for Children with ADHD and Autism

Children can be one of life’s greatest joys. Every child is special and unique, and requires the attentiveness and care of their parents. Children take a lot of time and effort to raise. This is especially true for children with neurodiversity. Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or Autism...


We specialize in a variety of neurodiversity, behavioural, anxiety, attention, learning, social, and emotional problems. We also provide family support through parent coaching, counselling, and reunification.