Addiction Therapist in North Vancouver

What is Addiction?

Addiction is the excessive use of harmful and dangerous substances or involving oneself in pleasure-inducing activities that are harmful physically and financially to relieve one from stress, anxiety, boredom, and depression. Addiction generally consists of the consumption of drugs or self-harming activities such as indulging in pornography or gambling.

Gabor Mate Said:

My definition of addiction is any behavior that gives you temporary relief, temporary pleasure, but in the long term causes harm, has some negative consequences and you can't give it up, despite those negative consequences. And from that perspective, you can understand that there are many, many addictions

What are the Aftermaths of Addictions?

The results of being addicted to anything is not pleasant. When dealing with addiction, you cannot stop consuming the substance or performing the activity you are addicted to. You might try stopping but nothing seems to work. It is an exhausting cycle.

Overtime, you will develop excessive tolerance to the substance, which entails that the body will get used to the substance and will require a higher amount of substance to get the high you have been looking for. You lose control over yourself and take the substance on impulse. This will cause excessive use of substances.

You will feel your mental health and physical health deteriorate as well, taking a hit on your wealth, too, as you are not able to function normally because of substances, but you still are not able to stop. If you distance yourself from your Addiction, you will have physical and mental withdrawals that can even be fatal sometimes.

How a counsellor or psychotherapist supports overcoming addiction?

You may be wondering, is there an addiction therapist near me or an addiction counsellor near me, how the addiction therapist or addiction counsellor can help, and what is counselling for addiction. The best therapist for addiction is the one you feel comfortable with.

Different types of counselling and psychotherapy with an addiction therapist can help. The following therapies are a few approaches to support addiction.

Supportive Therapy

The primary role of an addiction therapist while providing counselling for Addiction is for the addiction therapist to be there for the person with an addiction and listen to them to make them feel like you understand their problems and give the role of a guide, listener, and a friend too.

Exploratory Therapy

An Addiction therapist performs exploratory therapy, like attachment therapy, while performing counselling for Addiction to explore the past experiences that might have led to their Addiction to help them get rid of their Addiction. This form of therapy might be challenging because you might need to remember past traumatic experiences.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

The most common therapy performed by the therapist is Cognitive behavioral therapy with an addiction therapist. CBT helps people to know how to control their thoughts, actions, and behavior, which is the most crucial step to getting rid of Addiction, as the person with an addiction will have more control over themselves.

Couples Therapy

In most cases, couples therapy is also necessary as the Addiction affects not only the life of the person with an addiction but also their partner. Couples therapy will help the relationship between the partners to get better and also might teach their partner how to help them get rid of Addiction.

To find out more, read our addictions blog here:

You can feel better about yourself

You don’t have to constantly live in shame. Addiction work includes exploring the underlying factors that drive the behaviour in addition to supportive goal setting and working together with someone who cares. If the constant battle of addiction is wearing you down or causing destruction in your world or distance from loved ones, therapy with Boomerang Counselling Centre offers you an addiction therapist in North Vancouver and the opportunity to effectively explore this personal and sensitive topic.

To get started, please book a free, 20-minute consultation or call us at (778) 836-4772 for more details.

Therapists specializing in Addiction

mental health counselor near me

Brandys Evans, MA, RCC-ACS


Cristina Higgins, MEd, RCC



We specialize in a variety of neurodiversity, behavioural, anxiety, attention, learning, social, and emotional problems. We also provide family support through parent coaching, counselling, and reunification.