Therapy refers to the process of counselling performed mainly by a professional counsellor who is formally trained (ideally with Masters Degree level training) to target the mental health issues of the client. There is a common misconception in therapy, however, that the treatment is only for those who have a mental health problem.
Common Misconceptions with Therapy
Often, you will hear people neglecting therapy because they feel shame and embarrassment in going to a therapist because of the thought that therapy is only for ‘crazy’ people or people who can not help themself. This approach is far from accurate.
The Brain is also an Organ.
The human brain needs another human brain to grow, thrive, and excel. Many of the symptoms and issues that arise regarding mental health, ie. Anxiety, depression, and ADHD are compounded by the lack of access to another supportive human brain.[i] Counselling is the process of providing what the brain needs.
Your brain is an organ, like your heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. It needs treatment the same way as other organs. You should always consider the health of these organs and try to adopt habits that will keep them in the best health.
You take medication and see a doctor when you face problems with any of your vital organs. Similarly, when your brain becomes sick or when you feel something unusual with it, you should see a therapist so that they can resolve your issues.
Therapy and Medicine Goes Hand in Hand
Often, in cases where one has a mental health issue and sees a medical doctor or psychiatrist, the psychiatrist refers you to a therapist, along with prescribing you medicines for better treatment and results.
Benefits of Going to Therapy
Therapy is essential for everyone. You can see a therapist even if you have not been diagnosed with mental health especially when dealing with challenging life circumstances and dealing with possible complications like phobia, addiction and stress. Counselling has long-term effects through brain growth and stimulation and is often considered more effective than medication[ii]. As medicine’s effects last as long as the patient is taking it, however, the coping mechanism taught by the therapist and the subsequent changes in the brain from feeling heard and understood will stay with you forever.
There are several benefits of going to therapy. Some of the main benefits are:
- Therapy teaches you the way to cope with mental health concerns.
- You will feel better about yourself, and all your primary concerns will be listened to and heard.
- Your behaviour will become positive, and your relationships will get better.
- You will be able to communicate better with everyone.
- Physical health is directly related to mental health; as the saying goes, “A healthy body has a healthy mind”. When you have a healthy mind, you will feel physically better.
Detriment of Not Going to Therapy
As much as there are benefits to going to therapy, there are a lot of drawbacks when you don’t go to treatment when you need it. On average, out of every four people in the UK, one faces a significant mental health issue every year. One out of every six people in the UK faces common mental health problems such as anxiety every year.
These rates are alarming, and joint problems such as everyday stress and anxiety, if faced for a long time, can turn into major depression. Here are some of the drawbacks of not going to therapy when you have a mental health problem:
- The inability to function normally.
- The mental health problem gets worse over time.
- Your physical health gets a severe lousy impact.
- You may need hospitalization.
The end product of severe mental health problems is that you go into a crisis, which leads you to suicide.
Reasons To Go to A Therapist
As told above, you don’t have to be diagnosed with mental health problems to need therapy. In most cases, wise people seek the help of a therapist on their own when they feel like the pressure of their daily life problems is weighing them down and they need help, which means most of the people who seek therapy attend the session voluntarily.
Here are some of the primary reasons people go to a therapist.
One of the most common reasons to visit a therapist is due to anxiety and stress. Let’s be honest: everyone has had anxiety at some point in life, like when going on your first date, giving your first presentation, and stuff like that.
Apart from that, some people have major anxiety issues that hinder their daily life, like the inability to communicate with others. A therapist will help you find out the source of your anxiety and will teach you methods on how you can deal with stress.
How will a Therapist Help in Such a Case?
It is impossible to get rid of one’s anxiety, but the methods taught by therapists help manage the stress very well. Therapy can also be sought in cases when you are unable to bear day-to-day life tasks and stress.
What Happens if Anxiety is Left Untreated?
In the case of stress and anxiety, therapy has immense importance because if these symptoms are left untreated, they can turn into significant health problems like depression. Also, people suffering from anxiety have a poor self-image, and therapy can help them better it.
Transition in Life
Therapy can prove very useful if you are going through a significant change in your life. This change could be like retirement from your job, your kids moving out, getting divorced, or moving to a big state.
All of these experiences can prove to be overwhelming. Most people try to power through these changes; some pass unscathed, while some are overwhelmed. If you are also going through such a transition, seeking professional help will ease the process.
Therapist’s Approach in Such Circumstances
The therapist will discuss strategies that will help you deal with these transitions, which are relatively more manageable than the process of powering through them and making your life easier.
Phobias can be severe, and some can be minor. A major phobia, like social phobia, usually hinders socialising and ultimately hinders every aspect of life. Another type of phobia is Aquaphonia, which is a fear of water.
The problem with having phobias is that the people who have phobias avoid the things they are phobic of to cope with them. Minor phobias like Arachnophobia, which is the fear of spiders, can also sometimes cause the person to be unable to task usually.
Therapy to Deal with Phobia
Therapists can help you get rid of your phobias. One of the most effective therapies applied by the therapists in this case is the famous Exposure therapy.
Addiction of all sorts requires the immediate help of a mental health professional. Addictions of different sort like drug addiction, porn addiction, food addiction, smoking, and gambling all are bad for your mental health.
Disadvantages of Addiction and How a Therapist Helps to Get Rid of Them
All of these addictions lead to poor quality of life and, if left unattended, cause other severe complications in your life. These addictions are the unhealthy coping mechanisms your body has adapted to. A therapist will help you find better coping mechanisms that will help you get rid of these addictions.
Positive Way of Thinking
One of the best ways to get rid of these emotions and better deal with them is to seek help from a therapist. A therapist can help you deal with them and see the brighter side of life. The therapist will teach you how to think positively about every situation.
Sometimes, you need someone to talk to. You have too much on your mind and are experiencing stress. This stress can be due to a breakup or you’re starting a new business endeavour.
You Need Someone to Listen to You
When you want someone to listen to you, you can seek the help of a therapist. A therapist is an unbiased, professionally trained listener who can guide you well. Studies show that people feel more comfortable talking about things with strangers rather than the people they know, such as friends and family.
Long-term Illness
A long-term chronic illness can cause the one suffering from the disease, along with their loved ones, to suffer from an array of negative emotions such as past anger and hopelessness. These types of illnesses are taxing on the patients and their families, and they often suffer from stress.
Exposure Therapy for PTSD
If you have these symptoms, you should seek the help of a therapist. A therapist will perform a therapy like exposure therapy to help you get rid of PTSD.
Diagnosed With a Mental Health Problem
If you have been diagnosed with a significant mental health problem, then you will need to seek the help of a therapist. A therapist might coordinate with a psychiatrist to better solve your mental health problem and get your mind to a healthy state.
Trouble in Sleeping
If you have trouble sleeping, it may be due to several reasons, out of which the significant reasons are addiction and stress. These conditions cause sleep loss; even if you can sleep, it feels unfulfilling, and you wake up tired. The therapist will find the root cause and help eradicate it to restore your sweet sleep.
Traumas and PTSD
If you have recently suffered from a significant accident or incident such as robbery, murder, or any terrorist activity, it leaves a profound impact on your body and mind. The impression can be powerful, and if you were directly involved, you are probably traumatized.
You can also have PTSD post stress traumatic disorder, which causes you to have flashbacks of the incidents; anxiety, which makes you unable to socialize and function normally; and lastly, you have nightmares.
In conclusion, we can say that therapy, in most cases, is highly beneficial, helps you resolve most of your mental health issues and is extremely helpful in keeping your brain in a perfect state. It also has no side effects, unlike the medications prescribed by doctors, and it helps you long-term.
If you or a loved one are thinking about doing counselling or therapy, consider booking a complimentary consultation with one of our amazing therapists here at Boomerang Counselling Centre. We may have the right fit for you!
[i] Schore, A. N. (2021). The interpersonal neurobiology of intersubjectivity. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 648616.
[ii] Wampold, B. E., & Imel, Z. E. (2015). The great psychotherapy debate: The evidence for what makes psychotherapy work. Routledge.